M.I.D Developer ئاپەکان

Airal Alkaline Water 1
M.I.D Developer
AIRAL Alkaline Water, diolah dari sumbermataair kahuripan Alami di kaki Gunung Pangrango, Ciawi Bogor,melaluiproses produksi berteknologi tinggi, sehingga tercipta airAlkali,Mineral Super, Bio Energy, Hexagonal dan Anti Oxydant.Sangat baik dijadikan sebagai Air Terapi Kesehatanyangberkhasiat untuk mencegah dan membantu menyembuhkanbeberapapenyakit degeneratif, serta menjaga kesehatan, stamina,dankebugaran tubuh.Manfaat Produk :1. Membuang sisa-sisa pembakaran (metabolisme) tubuh,membuangracun/toxin, dan mencegah kanker;2. Mengurangi kolesterol, meningkatkan sirkulasi darah,mencegahserangan jantung, tekanan darah tinggi dan stroke;3. Mempercepat pembuangan toxin / racun, membuang asamurat,mencegah penyakit hati, empedu dan ginjal, mencegah batuginjal& batu empedu;4. Memberikan kulit yang sehat, membuat awet muda danmencegahpenuaan dini, dan membersihkan pigmentasi;5. Memberikan tambahan energi tubuh, menjaga stamina,kebugarantubuh dan meningkatkan vitalitas.Keterangan Lebih Lanjut :Email Customer Care : cs@airalwater.comLayanan Pelanggan : (021) 8857950 (Jam Hari Kerja)SMS Center : 085875809916Layanan Support System :Whatsapp : 085875809916PIN BB : 578859E3www.airalwater.comAIRAL AlkalineWater,compiled from Kahuripan Natural springs at the foot ofMountPangrango, Ciawi, through high-tech production process, so astocreate alkaline water, Mineral Super, Bio Energy, HexagonalandAnti-Oxydant.Very well serve as Air Therapeutic believed to prevent andhelpcure some degenerative diseases, as well as maintaining thehealth,stamina, and fitness.Product Benefits:1. Throw away the remnants of burning (metabolism) of thebody,removing toxins / toxin, and prevent cancer;2. Reduce cholesterol, improve blood circulation, preventheartattacks, high blood pressure and stroke;3. Accelerating the disposal of toxins / poisons, dispose ofuricacid, preventing liver disease, gall bladder and kidney,preventkidney stones and gallstones;4. Provide healthy skin, make the young and preventprematureaging, pigmentation and cleaning;5. Provide additional body energy, stamina, fitness andincreasevitality.More information :Email Customer Care: cs@airalwater.comCustomer Service: (021) 8857950 (Hours Weekdays)SMS Center: 085875809916Service Support System:Whatsapp: 085875809916PIN BB: 578859E3www.airalwater.com
Alumni 64 0.1
M.I.D Developer
Ikatan Alumni SMA Negeri 64 Jakartaialahsebuah Wadah komunikasi bagi para Alumnus SMUN 64 Cipayungyang diDeklarasikan pada Hari Minggu, Tanggal 2 Agustus 2009. SMAN64Jakarta berdiri semenjak keberadaannya di Tahun 1983.Cakupan Keanggotaan Ikatan Alumni hampir merata disetiapangkatan lulus, dengan Tahun Lulus 1983 sebagai AngkatanPertama,dengan Keanggotaan Alumni hampir sekitar 9.000 anlebih.Para Alumni SMAN 64 sendiri tersebar di berbagaiPelosokNusantara Indonesia dan juga di berbagai Negara Lain.DalamPekerjaan Alumni SMAN 64 membidangi berbagai Sektor, baikdiberbagai macam PNS, BUMN, Swasta, Wiraswasta, TNI - POLRI,Artismaupun sebagai Diplomat di Luar Negeri.Pada dasarnya kemajuan dan perkembangan SMA NEGERI 64JAKARTAdipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya adalahpartisipasialumni SMA NEGERI 64 JAKARTA yang mau dan mampumengabdikan dirinyauntuk memajukan dan mengembangkan keberadaanLembaga SMA NEGERI 64JAKARTA.Mewujudkan VISI dan MISI SMA NEGERI 64 JAKARTA dalamrangkamelaksanakan program Pendidikan Nasional. Dengan harapanadanyaAlumni ini mampu membawa SMA NEGERI 64 JAKARTA ke arah yanglebihbaik, yaitu :1. Mempererat silaturrahim yang sudah terbangun antarlintasangkatan;2. Wadah organisasi bagi para alumnus SMA Negeri 64Cipayung,yang bernama IKA SMAN 64;3. Sebagai induk organisasi alumni lintas per angkatan;4. Menghilangkan egoisme kelompok dan bersatu dalam satukesatuanalmamater SMA Negeri 64 Cipayung;5. Memperpendek jarak antara alumni dengan alumni, sertaalumnidengan almamater;6. Memberikan informasi terkini kepada sesama alumni dankeluargabesar SMAN 64 Cipayung;7. Sebagai Forum Komunikasi antar alumni;8. Memberikan rekomendasi bagi kebijakan pendidikan;9. Memberikan solusi atas permasalahan keluarga besar SMAN64Cipayung.Alumni SMA Negeri64Jakarta is a container of communication for the Alumnus SMU64Cipayung in Declare on Sunday, August 2, 2009. Date of SMAN64Jakarta stood since its existence in 1983.Alumni Association Membership coverage almost evenly ineverygraduating class, with the year 1983 as Force First Pass, withamembership of about 9,000 an Alumni almost over.The Alumni SMAN 64 themselves scattered in various parts ofthearchipelago of Indonesia and also in many other country.WorkAlumni SMAN 64 in charge of various sectors, both in a widerangeof civil servants, state, private, Self, military - police, aswellas a Diplomat Artist Abroad.Basically the progress and development of SMA STATE 64JAKARTAinfluenced by several factors, one of which is theparticipation ofhigh school alumni STATE 64 JAKARTA willing andable to devotehimself to promote and develop the presence of theInstitute STATESMA 64 Jakarta.Realising VISION and MISSION STATE SMA 64 Jakarta in ordertoimplement the National Education program. With expectations foranAlumni is capable of carrying STATE SMA 64 Jakarta to abetterdirection, namely:1. Deepen silaturrahim traffic that has been builtbetweenforces;2. Containers organization for alumni of SMAN 64 Cipayung,calledIKA SMAN 64;3. As the parent organization of alumni of traffic perclass;4. Eliminate egoism groups and united in a single unit SMA64Cipayung alma mater;5. Shorten the distance between the alumni and alumni, as wellasalumni of the alma mater;6. Provide updated information to fellow alumni and alargefamily of SMAN 64 Cipayung;7. As a Forum Communication between alumni;8. Provide recommendation for education policy;9. Providing solutions for problems of a large family of SMAN64Cipayung.
Jasa Perijinan 1
M.I.D Developer
Perusahaan CV. Utama Jaya Bermitra,berdomisilidi Jakarta, dengan arah bisnis kami adalah bidang Jasa.Orientasijasa perijinan pada Pembuatan/Pendirian PT/CV/UD/PD, PMAdan dokumenpendukung yaitu Akta Notaris, SK Menteri, Domisili,NPWP, PKP, SIUP,TDP serta ijin khusus pada Instansi seperti BKPM,Disnaker,Perindag, Dinpar, Postel,Kemenkes/Dinkes, BARCODE (GS1), TASPEN, IMIGRASI, KADIN, HAKI,BPN,PN, dll.Kami telah mendapat kepercayaan dari kalangan pelaku bisnisbaikdalam lingkup Propinsi DKI Jakarta maupun secaraNasional.Kepercayaan tersebut tidak hanya bermakna kepercayaan tapijugatuntutan untuk terus menjaga keunggulan kualitas pelayanankami,untuk itu CV.UJB berusaha keras untuk konsisten memberikanyangterbaik bagi klien kami.Melalui pengamatan dan analisa yang mendalamterhadappermasalahan dari berbagai bidang usaha, CV.UJB selalumengemasrumusan solusi terbaik bagi klien-klien kami.Layanan usaha kami meliputi :1. Pendirian PT, CV, UD, PD, PMA, Izin Industri, DOMISILI,NPWP,PKP2. Pengurusan AKTE NOTARIS (Perubahan Saham, Kedudukanperusahaan.....dan Bidang usaha).3. Taspen, Barcode GS14. Pengurusan SIUP (Surat Ijin Usaha perdagangan )5. Pengurusan TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan)6. Ijin Eksport dan Import :Pengurusan API, APIT, KEAGENAN,NPIK,SRP,7. Ijin usaha Jasa Konstruksi: SKA (Sertifikat Tenaga Ahli),KTAAsosiasi, SBU Sertifikasi Badan Usaha), SIUJK (Surat IjinJasaKonstruksi),.... KADIN (Kamar Dagang Indonesia), PBSP8. Sertifikat Tanah (SHM, HGB, IMB, PM1)9. Hak Paten, Hak Cipta dan Hak Merek10. Pengurusan Surat Izin Khusus (BPW, APW, IJIN POSTEL,ALAT......KESEHATAN, IJIN INDUSTRI, UUG/HO, FORWARDER, KURSUS,TOKO,......RESTORAN)11. Ijin Reklame Dispenda (Billboard, Neonsign, Spanduk,Umbul2,)dll.Hubungi kami maka kami akan melayani anda denganProfesional:1. Berusaha memegang janji untuk selalu tepat waktu2. Berusaha selalu meningkatkan pelayanan terbaik3. Berusaha menjadi Biro Jasa Resmi yang Terpercaya dan DiakuiCV. Utama Jaya Bermitra Birojasa Perijinan ResmidanTerpercayaJl. Margasatwa Barat No.5B RT.06 / RW.06 Jagakarsa,JakartaSelatan 12620Cabang Bandung : 081386813335,Cab Tangerang : 087884012478Pin BB : 7EA1C2C8 (Nelly) 74A63FBF (Oscar)Email : cv.ujebe@yahoo.comPhone : 0217821383 / 0813.8638.0838website: www.biro-mitraperijinan.comCompany CV. UtamaJayaPartnering, domiciled in Jakarta, with the direction ofourbusiness is the field of services. Orientation servicespermittingthe creation / establishment of PT / CV / UD / PD, PMAandsupporting documents that Notary Deed, SK Minister, Domicile,TIN,PKP, SIUP, TDP and special permits in institutions such asBKPM,Manpower, Trade and Industry, Dinpar, Postel ,MoH / Health Office, BARCODE (GS1), TASPEN, IMMIGRATION, ChamberofCommerce, Intellectual Property, BPN, PN, etc.We have won the trust of the business community in both ofDKIJakarta and nationally. That trust is not only meaningful butalsodemands the confidence to continue to maintain our servicequalityexcellence, for it CV.UJB strive to consistently provide thebestfor our clients.Through observation and in-depth analysis of the issuesfromvarious fields of business, always pack formulation CV.UJBbestsolutions for our clients.Our business services include:1. Establishment PT, CV, UD, PD, PMA, Licensed Industry,domicile,TIN, PKP2. Arrangements NOTARY CERTIFICATE (Changes in Equity,Positioncompany ..... and business areas).3. TASPEN, Barcode GS14. SIUP (Business License trade)5. Handling TDP (Company Registration)6. Export and Import Permits: Management API, APIT, AGENCY,NPIK,SRP,7. Permit the Construction Services business: SKA(CertificateExpert), KTA Association, SBU CertificationEnterprises), SIUJK(Permit for Construction Services), .... Kadin(IndonesianChamber), PBSP8. Land Certificate (SHM, HGB, IMB, PM1)9. Patents, Copyrights and Trademark Rights10. Handling Special Permit (BPW, APW, PERMISSION POSTEL,......HEALTH EQUIPMENT, INDUSTRIAL PERMIT, mentioning / HO,FORWARDER,COURSE, SHOPS, RESTAURANTS ......)11. Permit Advertising Revenue (Billboard, Neonsign,Banner,umbul2,) etc.Contact us and we will serve you with Professional:1. Trying to hold the promise to always be on time2. Trying always best to improve services3. Trying to become a Service Bureau Official TrustedandRecognizedCV. Utama Jaya Official Licensing Partner BirojasaandReliableJl. Western Areas No.5B Rt.06 / RW.06 Jagakarsa, SouthJakarta12620Branch Bandung: 081386813335,Cab Tangerang: 087884012478BB Pin: 7EA1C2C8 (Nelly) 74A63FBF (Oscar)Email: cv.ujebe@yahoo.comPhone: 0217821383 / 0813.8638.0838website: www.biro-mitraperijinan.com
KaKa Laundry 1
M.I.D Developer
Anda sibuk bekerja sehingga masalahcucianpakaian di rumah kurang terurus ? Atau Anda inginmenyerahkanurusan cuci-mencuci pakaian di KaKa Laundry agar lebihmudah danpraktis yaitu tinggal Pesan menggunakan Aplikasi "KaKaLaundry"kemudian bayar, maka urusan cucian pakain beres ?KaKa Laundry mengedepankan:1. Kualitas2. Kepuasan pelanggan3. Pakaian bersih, wangi, rapih dan sehat4. Layanan antar jemput gratis5. Menggunakan deterjen ramah lingkungan6. Menggunakan sistem keanggotaan7. Harga bersaingNew member baru :1. Free Antar Jemput (Minimal 3Kg dan Maksimal 2Km)2. Garansi Cuci dan Setrika UlangLokasi Outlet : Jl. Margonda Raya No. 516 D DepokPhone : ...............................HP/WA : +6283872963616PIN BB : ...............................You are busy workingsothat the problems of your laundry in the house less neglected?Oryou want to hand over to wash clothes in the washing-KaKaLaundryto be easier and more practical to use applications thatlivemessage "KaKa Laundry" and then pay, then wash clothes affairsgonewrong?KaKa Laundry forward:1. Quality2. Customer satisfaction3. Clean clothes, fragrant, neat and healthy4. Free shuttle service5. Using environmentally friendly detergents6. Using a membership system7. Competitive priceNew new members:1. Free Transfers (3kg Minimum and Maximum 2km)2. Wash and Iron Guarantee BirthdayOutlet Location: Jl. Margonda Raya No. 516 D DepokPhone: ...............................HP / WA: +6283872963616BB PIN: ...............................
Dwi Rio Sambodo 1
M.I.D Developer
PROFILE DWI RIO SAMBODO, SE., MM.SIAPA ?Dwi Rio Sambodo, SE., MM, yang akrab disapa Rio, adalahputrapasangan Harlyanto Klasri dan RA. Rustiyati. Terlahir diJakarta 29Juni 1975, dan besar di ibu kota. Ayahnya adalahpensiunanDepartemen Kesehatan, yang lahir di tanah Kutoarjo, JawaTengah.Sedangkan Ibunya lahir di Yogyakarta, menggeluti bidang SeniBudayaTari dan Pendidikan Anak, yaitu Kepala Sekolah TamanKanak-kanak(TK) Trisula Perwari, terakhir menjabat sebagai KepalaSekolah TK.Mutiara Indah yang didirikan sejak tahun 1983.Saat ini Rio telah membangun keluarga bersama sang istri,PurnamaSari, S.Pd., M.Pd, kelahiran dan besar di Palembang, yangberprofesisebagai guru Bahasa Inggris di SMPN 97 Jakarta. Dikaruniai duaorang buah hati yaitu Gading Sembada Nusantara danElang RadhikaSembada Nusantara.AKTIF BERJUANGDunia Pergerakan Politik, dimasukinya saat duduk di bangkukuliahTahun 1994, dengan ikut dalam perkumpulan forum diskusikecil dikampus dan berlanjut beberapa tahun kemudian menjadianggota GerakanMahasiswa Nasional Indonesia (GMNI) yang memilikikegiatan diskusi,advokasi dan aksi.Keaktifannya saat itu dalam dunia pergerakan politikmelawanpemerintah yang menindas rakyat, semakin menjadi-jadi padasaatsekitar sebelum peristiwa 27 Juli 1996. Kemudian berlanjutsaatkrisis ekonomi 1997 yang memanaskan suhu politik dengandampakterhadap membesarnya Gerakan Pro Demokrasi (GerakanMahasiswa)menjelang 1998.MENJABAT DPRD 2009-2014Meskipun sejak tahun 1996 sudah aktif berjuangbersamakader-kader PDI Pro Mega, tetapi karena aktivitaspergerakanmahasiswanya, maka di era 2000-an, Rio fokus aktif diPDIPerjuangan.Dan setelah lebih dari 12 tahun berjuang bersama-samakaderpartai maupun aktivis pergerakan, akhirnya pada tahun2009mendapatkan kepercayaan dari Partai menjadi CalonAnggotaLegislatif DPRD, yang akhirnya terpilih menjadi AnggotaDewanPerwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Provinsi DKI Jakarta masabakti2009-2014. Bertugas menjadi anggota Komisi E yangmembidangiPendidikan, Kesehatan, Sosial, Kepemudaan Olahraga,PerlindunganPerempuan dan anak, serta Arsip PerpustakaanDaerah.BERJUANG DI PARLEMENTugas sebagai anggota Komisi E DPRD dijalankan penuhtanggungjawab, karena berkaitan dengan kebutuhan dasar wargamasyarakatkhususnya di DKI Jakarta. Sebab diskriminasi pelayanankebutuhandasar warga seperti Pendidikan dan Kesehatan, masih banyakdialamimasyarakat khususnya rakyat kecil atau kaum dhuafa atau wongcilikatau kaum marhaen yang tertindas, sehingga inilah menjadimotivasidan penggerak tindakan perjuangan politik yang lebih tegasmemihakrakyat.Sebagai anggota parlemen dengan kewenangan membuatkebijakanpolitik, maka ini menjadi sarana untuk memperjuangkan apayang dicita-citakan sesuai janji kampanyenya dalam Pemilu tahun2009 yaitu“memperjuangkan sekolah dan berobat murah”. Bahkan jikaditinjaudalam hasil perkembangan kebijakan politik saat ini, bukansajamenghasilkan sekolah dan berobat murah, namun lebih dari ituyakniJaminan Pendidikan dan Kesehatan gratis terjangkau sesuaisasaranketentuan yang berlaku.Di sisi lain sejak 2009 pendampingan dan pembelaanlangsungkepada masyarakat tetap terus dilakukan dengan membuatwadah RumahAspirasi serta lembaga advokasi pendidikan dan kesehatanyaituLembaga Kebangunan Jakarta (LKJ). Hal ini mengingat masihbelumselarasnya kebijakan politik pro rakyat denganoperasionalprakteknya, seperti : kesulitan pengurususan jaminankesehatan,pengurusan biaya sekolah, dan masih banyak yanglainnya.PROFILE DWI RIOSambodo,SE., MM.WHO ?Dwi Rio Sambodo, SE., MM, who familiarly called Rio, isthecouple's son Harlyanto Klasri and RA. Rustiyati. Born inJakartaJune 29, 1975, and grew up in the capital. His father is aretiredMinistry of Health, who was born in the land Kutoarjo,CentralJava. While the mother was born in Yogyakarta, cultivate thefieldof Arts and Culture Dance and Education of the Child,namelyPrincipal Kindergarten (TK) Trisula Perwari, most recentlyservedas Principal TK. Mutiara Indah established since 1983.Now, Rio has built a family with his wife, Purnama Sari,S.Pd.,M.Pd, birth and raised in Palembang, who works as anEnglishteacher at SMPN 97 Jakarta. In karuniai two baby namelyIvorySembada Archipelago and the Archipelago Sembada EaglesRadhika.ON FIGHTINGWorld Political Movement, entered when in college in 1994,toparticipate in a small discussion forum gathering on campusandcontinued a few years later became a member of theIndonesianNational Student Movement (GMNI) having discussions,advocacy andaction.Active involvement in the world at that time a politicalmovementagainst the repressive government, became so at the timewas aroundbefore the events of 27 July 1996. It continues thecurrent economiccrisis in 1997 the political climate heats withthe growing impactof the Pro-Democracy Movement (Student Movement)towards 1998.SERVED Parliament 2009-2014Although since 1996 has been actively fighting alongsidecadresPDI Pro Mega, but because of the activity of the movementofstudents, then in the era of the 2000s, Rio active focus onthePDI-P.And after more than 12 years of struggle together partycadresand activists movement, finally in 2009 to gain the trust oftheparty be a candidate for Legislative Council, which eventuallywaselected a Member of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD)ofDKI Jakarta period 2009-2014 , E served as member of theCommissionin charge of Education, Health, Social Welfare, YouthSports, Womenand Child Protection and Regional LibraryArchives.STRUGGLING IN PARLIAMENTDuties as a member of Commission E DPRD run fullresponsibility,as it relates to the basic needs of citizens,especially inJakarta. Because discrimination residents basicservices such aseducation and health, is still experienced by manypeople,especially poor people or the poor or the underprivilegedoroppressed proletariat, so that this becomes the motivationanddriving force of political action more decisive struggle favorofthe people.As a member of parliament with the authority to make policy,thenthis becomes a means to fight for what is aspired as promisedin theelection campaign in 2009 that "fighting for the schoolandinexpensive treatment". Even if the policy is reviewed intheoutcome of the current political developments, not onlyproducesschool and inexpensive treatment, but more than thatguarantee freeeducation and health objectives affordable accordancewithprevailing regulations.On the other hand since 2009 assistance and defense directlytothe people still continue to be done by creating a containerhouseAspirations as well as education and health advocacyorganizations,namely the Institute Awakening Jakarta (LKJ). This isbecause theyhave not been aligned with the pro-people policies ofoperationalpractice, such as: difficulty pengurususan healthinsurance, themaintenance of school fees, and many others.
Siradja Laundry 1
M.I.D Developer
Anda sibuk bekerja sehingga masalahcucianpakaian di rumah kurang terurus ? Atau Anda inginmenyerahkanurusan cuci-mencuci pakaian di rumah ke Siradja Laundryagar lebihmudah dan praktis yaitu tinggal Pesan menggunakanAplikasi "laundrySiradja" kemudian bayar, maka urusan cucian pakainberes ?Siradja Laundry mengedepankan:1. Kualitas2. Kepuasan pelanggan3. Pakaian bersih, wangi, rapih dan sehat4. Layanan antar jemput geratis5. Menggunakan deterjen ramah lingkungan6. Menggunakan sistem keanggotaan7. Harga bersaingPromo Opening Januari s.d. Maret 2016 Rp. 5.000,- / KGdengan:1. Free Antar Jemput (Minimal 3Kg dan Maksimal 3Km)2. Garansi Cuci dan Setrika UlangLokasi Outlet : Jl. Kranggan No.6 Depan TPU Pondok RanggonPhone : 021 22875053HP/WA : 083895646448PIN BB : 52756455 / 52489C3FYou are busy workingsothat the problems at home washing clothes less neglected? Oryouwant to hand over to wash clothes in the wash-house LaundrySiradjato make it more convenient and practical, namely livemessage usingthe application "Siradja laundry" and then pay, thenwash clothesaffair gone wrong?Laundry Siradja forward:1. Quality2. Customer satisfaction3. Clean clothes, fragrant, neat and healthy4. Shuttle service geratis5. Using environmentally friendly detergents6. Using a membership system7. Competitive priceOpening Promo January s.d. March 2016 Rp. 5000, - / KG with:1. Free Shuttle (3kg Minimum and Maximum 3km)2. Wash and Iron Warranty BirthdayOutlet Location: Jl. Kranggan 6 Home TPU Pondok RangoonPhone: 021 22875053HP / WA: 083895646448BB PIN: 52756455 / 52489C3F
dokter Novi 0.1
M.I.D Developer
Sejak 2012 dokter kecantikan dr.IrdawatiNovita merupakan dokter yang meningkatkan penampilanseseorang,seperti meminimalkan tanda-tanda penuaan, thread liftuntukperemajaan dan mengurangi kerutan, membuat wajah pasienterlihatlebih cerah, dan sebagainya. Apa yang dilakukan olehdokterkecantikan dr.Irdawati Novita adalah apa pun proseduryangmelibatkan pembedahan seminimal mungkin atau bahkan tidaksamasekali.Jenis-jenis Perawatan yang Dilakukan Dokterdr.IrdawatiNovita1. Chemical Peel2. Dermabrasion3. Botox4. Fillers5. Laser resurfacingJangan lupa untuk selalu mengonsultasikan hasil yangAndainginkan dengan dokter kecantikan dr.Irdawati Novitademimendapatkan perawatan yang tepat. Selain itu, ingatlahuntukmenginformasikan dr.Irdawati Novita mengenai kondisi kesehatanAndasebelum melakukan beberapa perawatan di atas.dr. novi messenger adalah aplikasi sosial gratis yangmudahdigunakan dan dapat dipercaya untuk membantu anda untukkonsultasilangsung dengan dokter kecantikanTunggu Apa lagi, Download sekarang juga aplikasinya dandapatkanpromo menarik serta dapatkan informasi kecantikanterkiniCaranya sangat mudah, ikuti langkah berikut ini :1. Simpan Nomor 0877-7009-1731 (dr. Irdawati Novita) diHPAnda2. Download Aplikasi dr. novi messenger di Google PlayStore--->https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noviRingkasan:Experience in Aesthetic field such as asian skin problems (AcneProblems, Hyperpigmentation, mild skin lesion), skinrejuvenatingprogram ( Botox, Filler, Threadlift, Microneedling,Peeling ),Detoxifying system ( Vaginal Ozone, Hydrocolon therapy,Ozonesystem for Aesthetics ), Celullar cell for aging program (Stemcelltreatment for aging problems, freshcell, Platelet RichPlasmaMethode ), Slimming Program.Owner# Atceanics Aesthetic Oktober 2015 – Saat iniFounder# Rumah Sehat dr. Irdawati Novita Februari 2012 – Saat ini# Bilqis Asc. April 2012 – Mei 2016 (4 tahun 2 bulan) CibuburMedical Aesthetician# Klinik Mitra Ria Husada November 2014 – Mei 2016 (1 tahun7bulan)Executive Coach# Lembaga Estetik Medik Desember 2013 – Mei 2014 (6 bulan)Cosmetologist# Larose Beauty Clinic November 2012 – Maret 2013 (5 bulan)Cosmetic Dermatology# Fenille Beauty Center Maret 2011 – Juni 2012 (1 tahun 4bulan)Consultant for Aesthetic treatment...Doctor# abdi waluyo Hospital April 2011 – Maret 2012 (1tahun)Jakarta# Assinstant Consultant of Neurology for TranscranialMagneticStimulation (TMS) treatments, doing treatment for TMS suchas :Autism, Parkinson disease, Depression, Pain, Stroke, etc.Dokter# Kantor Pajak Pratama Menteng Tiga Januari 2011 – Desember 2011(1tahun) Jabodetabek, IndonesiaAssist. Consultant Brain Magnet# Omni Medical Center Maret 2009 – Mei 2010 (1 tahun 3bulan)JakartaAssist. Consultan Brain Magnet# Meilia Hospital Juli 2008 – Mei 2010 (1 tahun 11bulan)JakartaAssist. Consultant Brain Magnet# Hermina Jatinegara Hospital Agustus 2008 – Desember 2008 (5bulan)JakartaEmail : irdawatinovita@gmail.comPhone : 0877-7009-1731Since 2012 beautydoctordr. Irdawati Novita is a doctor improve one's appearance,such asminimizing the signs of aging, rejuvenation and thread liftstoreduce wrinkles, making the patient's face look brighter, andsoforth. What did the doctor beauty dr.Irdawati Novita isanysurgical procedure that involves minimal or even none at all.Types of Care Do Doctors dr.Irdawati Novita1. Chemical Peel2. Dermabrasion3. Botox4. Fillers5. Laser resurfacingRemember to always consult the results you want withNovitadr.Irdawati beauty doctor to get proper treatment. Inaddition,remember to inform dr.Irdawati Novita regarding yourmedicalcondition before performing some of the abovetreatments.dr. Novi messenger is a free social apps are easy to use andcanbe trusted to help you to direct consultation with adoctorbeautyWait What's more, Download the app now and getattractivepromotions and get the latest beauty informationIt's easy, follow these steps:1. Save Number 0877-7009-1731 (dr. Irdawati Novita) onyourcell2. Download Application dr. Novi messenger in the GooglePlayStore--->https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noviSummary:Experience in Aesthetic field such as asian skin problems(AcneProblems, Hyperpigmentation, mild skin lesions), skinrejuvenatingprogram (Botox, Filler, Threadlift, Microneedling,Peeling),Detoxifying system (Vaginal Ozone, Hydrocolon therapy,Ozone systemfor Aesthetics), Celullar cell for aging program(StemCelltreatment for aging problems, freshcell, Platelet RichPlasmaMethode), Slimming program.Owner# Atceanics Aesthetic October 2015 - Nowadaysfounder# Healthy Home dr. Irdawati Novita February 2012 - Currently# Bilqis Asc. April 2012 - May 2016 (4 years 2 months) CibuburMedical Aesthetician# Clinic Ria Mitra Husada November 2014 - May 2016 (1 year7months)Executive Coach# Institute of Medical Aesthetic December 2013 - May 2014(6months)Cosmetologist# Larose Beauty Clinic November 2012 - March 2013 (5 months)Cosmetic Dermatology# Fenille Beauty Center in March 2011 - June 2012 (1 year 4months)Consultant for Aesthetic treatment ...Doctor# Servant waluyo Hospital April 2011 - March 2012 (1year)Jakarta# Assinstant Consultant of Neurology for TranscranialMagneticStimulation (TMS) treatments, doing treatment for TMS suchas:Autism, Parkinson's disease, Depression, Pain, Stroke, etc.Doctor# Menteng Three Primary Tax Office in January 2011 - December2011(1 year) Jabodetabek, IndonesiaAssist. Consultant Brain Magnet# Omni Medical Center in March 2009 - May 2010 (1 year 3months)JakartaAssist. Consultant Brain Magnet# Meilia Hospital in July 2008 - May 2010 (1 year 11months)JakartaAssist. Consultant Brain Magnet# Hermina Jatinegara Hospital in August 2008 - December 2008(5months) JakartaEmail: irdawatinovita@gmail.comPhone: 0877-7009-1731